List of inventions

List of inventions
Broadly protective live-attenuated influenza vaccine by codon usage bias
The use of novel antibodies against LANCL1 as a diagnostic and therapeutic target for the management and treatment of cancer
All-natural self-driving nanorobot for precise and rapid colon cancer therapy
DYNAMIQUE: diversité y neuromorphisme adaptatif mécanisme interactif de creation
SMART: Snapshot Medical Analysis and Real-time Therapies with Compressive Imaging
MiConnection: Novel Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) Connection Systems for High-rise Concrete and Steel Buildings
Mass customisation of breathable lightweight hip protectors for the elderly via automatic inverse design and 3D printing
Smart vest for improving behavioral performance of school-aged children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
Soft robotic clothing: automatic thermal adaptation
Selective separation and recovery of nylon from textile waste
Scalable Process Technology for Particle void PET Passive Cooling Fiber
Optical-digital encoding-decoding system
Dynamic vision sensing system with a static capturing mode
Dynamic hybrid-frequency spatial-carrier deflectometry based 3D inspection system
An Algorithm and edge computing method for urban noise pollution monitoring
Continuous line for automatic diamond color grading
System and method for PDF document semantic parsing combining visual and textual features
Generative pretrained large traffic model for multi-modal traffic data understanding
Tiny machine learning hardware platform computation optimization
NoiseRadar: AI-enhanced multi-directional noise detection system for near track community well-being