List of inventions

List of inventions
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Assistive Technologies for Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Tele-Practice
Detachable follow-me robot
Automatic multi-modal deep learning analysis system
YoChatGPT!: Unleashing the power of collaborative AI
Sign2V: Connecting sign language to the verbal sphere
Integrated nutrition management system with smart panel and AI platform for sustainable dietary progress
A hybrid EEG-fNIRS neurofeedback application for brain training for autistic children
Dynamic SyncAnUp: Eye-body coordination capture for elite sports performance
Biomaterials used for dendritic cell vaccine for cancer immunotherapy
Intelligent safety 2.0 for light rail
Project RAPID
Scameter Series
KUNWU(R) Robotic Surgical System
EcoChar Oven
Protecting the Ecological Environment in Construction Areas with an AIoT System
Multi-Sensor Object Detection for Better Traffic Control
AI mobile app for construction noise recognition