Hypoxia-primed mesenchymal stromal cells and their derivatives enhance lung injury repair
The invention
- Name of invention
- Hypoxia-primed mesenchymal stromal cells and their derivatives enhance lung injury repair
- Les cellules stromales mésenchymateuses amorcées par hypoxie et leurs dérivés améliorent la réparation des lésions pulmonaires
Invention description
- Description
- Preconditioning cells under hypoxia leads to the secretion of extracellular vesicles that are rich in angiogenic factors, which promote tissue regeneration after acute lung injury.
Angel Po Yee MA inventor 3727293073_3367
Rachel Hiu Ha CHING inventor 3727293073_3369
Michael Chi Wai CHAN inventor 3727293073_3366
The University of Hong Kong inventor 3727293073_3106
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