Interaction-based Droplet Sorting (InDroS)
The invention
- Name of invention
- Interaction-based Droplet Sorting (InDroS)
- Tri de gouttelettes basé sur l'interaction (InDroS)
Invention description
- Description
- Interaction-based droplet sorting (InDroS) will decipher the cell-cell interactions at single-cel resolution, by precisely pairing various types of cells in microscale droplets and rapidly selecting cell pairs with unique interactions for bioanalysis
Parker James O’BRIEN inventor 3728032931_4060
Anderson HC SHUM inventor 3728032931_2998
Ziyu HAN inventor 3728032931_2995
Chung Wai Denise WONG inventor 3728032931_2994
Advanced Biomedical Instrumentation Centre inventor 3728032931_2988
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